GivingTreeの雑記帳 [はてな版]

seeking for my another sky─それは、この世界そのものだと気付いた




原作での道徳観が、映画では支離滅裂に捉えられています。たとえば、映画の中でのアレンによる父の殺害には、これといった動機がなく、かつ恣意的なものです。この行為に対する説明が、アレンの闇の部分である「影」あるいは「分身」によってなされたものであることが物語の後半で語られますが、説明の導入があまりにも遅く説得力を欠いてしまっています。また、アレンがなぜ「光」と「影」に二分されてしまっているのか、その説明がまったくなされていません。このアイディア自体は、原作「A Wizard of Earthsea」の章からの脚色なのでしょうけれども、原作ではゲドが「影」につきまとわれるようになった経緯や、その理由、そして最後にはその「影」の正体までもが明らかにされています。この、自身に潜む「闇」〔という内在する敵〕は、魔法の剣を振り回すだけでは滅することはできません。

The moral sense of the books becomes confused in the film. For example: Arren's murder of his father in the film is unmotivated, arbitrary: the explanation of it as committed by a dark shadow or alter-ego comes late, and is not convincing. Why is the boy split in two? We have no clue. The idea is taken from A Wizard of Earthsea, but in that book we know how Ged came to have a shadow following him, and we know why, and in the end, we know who that shadow is. The darkness within us can't be done away with by swinging a magic sword. 


But in the film, evil has been comfortably externalized in a villain, the wizard Kumo/Cob, who can simply be killed, thus solving all problems. 


In modern fantasy (literary or governmental), killing people is the usual solution to the so-called war between good and evil. My books are not conceived in terms of such a war, and offer no simple answers to simplistic questions. 


Though I think the dragons of my Earthsea are more beautiful, I admire the noble way Goro's dragons fold their wings. The animals of his imagination are seen with much tenderness ? I liked the horse-llama's expressive ears. I very much liked the scenes of plowing, drawing water, stabling the animals, and so on, which give the film an earthy and practical calmness ? a wise change of pace from constant conflict and "action". In them, at least, I recognised my Earthsea. 
『Gedo Senki, A First Response(ゲド戦記─私の第一印象)』より抜粋